Tuesday, March 24, 2020

UN Sustainable Development Goals Project

One of the goals we have for our students is to be civically minded.  That drives much of what I do in my classes and this project was one way I could open up their understanding of world challenges and how they could engage to make a difference.

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I have a couple different versions of it based on the class in which I was using it.

If you feel so inclined, my Venmo for coffee is @Rachel-Murat. If it asks, the last four of my phone number are 9476.

This version was for my GSuite course, so the project goals were to

1. Raise awareness about the UN SDGs
2. Demonstrate their knowledge of the GSuite platforms we have been learning.

This version was for my Participation in Government Class, so the goals were to

1. Raise awarness about the UN SDGs
2. Act locally on one of the issues the class chose.