Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Local Business Reviews

Want to have the kids put some good out into the world?

Want the kids to have an impact on your local community?

Need a one day activity?

Google Reviews are something I do with my students at least once a semester.

If you find this helpful and feel so inclined, my Venmo for coffee is @Rachel-Murat

A couple notes:

1. This is public on the web, so if you can't access it, it is most likely your domain settings. 

2. Make sure when you open the slide deck you are in your school domain to make sure the slide deck will open for the kids. 

3. The rubrics are screenshots that I incorporated as the background so that they loaded faster for students doing this at a place that doesn't have robust wifi. What does that mean? That means you can't edit the rubrics, but you can quickly make one of your  own by inserting a table and typing in what you want and getting rid of what you don't. 

Here is the slide deck

Happy reviewing! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is such a fantastic idea! Having students leave Google Reviews not only teaches them about digital literacy but also encourages them to engage positively with their local community. Using rubrics as a background to speed up loading times for students with limited WiFi is a smart touch. At Teck Team LLC Review, we love seeing innovative activities like this that combine tech skills with real-world impact. Thank you for sharing this resource!
